Ham and Man Party: Cool Daddy’s 30th Birthday

*Disclaimer – I have mentioned a few times on my blog that I am an aspiring vegetarian. This is true. However my husband is not a vegetarian by any means. If you’ve stumbled upon my website by searching the word “vegetarian” and are now face to face with a veritable dead pig festival, my apologies.*

There were just so many photos of this party that I had to put them all in collages or this post would go on forever. Click on the photos to enlarge them. If it still isn’t big enough for you click on it again…then it’ll get super big and not really fit on your screen.

Cool Daddy absolutely loves the ham my mom makes at Easter and Christmas. For years he’s been asking me if he can have his friends over to watch a game and eat ham. For years I have told him no…because who wants a bunch of ham-eating men in their house?! Since his 30th birthday was this last year and because he threw me this Totally Awesome 80s Party for my 30th Birthday the year before, I decided to grant him his wish.

Since his only two requests were for ham and male bonding time I began to refer to his party as “The Ham and Man Party”.

I have to give credit to my husband for the theme idea. When we were taking down the decorations for Adaline’s first birthday party he was balling up a bunch of tulle and said, “Can I have tulle at my party? We can hang tools!” He was joking and he completely forgot about it. Since it was a “ham” and “man” party I decided that should be the theme as well. I would make it “manly” and also “ham-y”. The fellas were going to be watching the Steelers football game so I decided to decorate in gold and black to match the team colors.

(This party was on October 24, 2010…and of course I never procrastinate…which is why I’m posting it now in February 2011 after football season is over and the Steelers lost the Superbowl!
I am very fast, and efficient, and on top of things blogwise…as you can tell. Don’t envy my sweet-sweet time management skills.)

I had a lot of ideas for the “manly” theme. Tools, sports, cars, but I could only accomplish so much in so little time. I decided to focus mostly on the tools with a little football thrown in.

First off, here’s the food. Many different pig products as far as the eye can see.

In the living room where I put all of the decorations (not the room they were watching football in) I wanted to try my best to hide anything feminine to make it as “manly” as possible. I removed everything decorative and covered all of the pictures.

For the decorations we’ll begin with the Happy Birthday sign. I made the letters out of duck tape. This big sign is hiding my enormous bridal portrait (you can see it in one of the photos for Adaline’s party). Working hand in hand with the manly tools/construction theme I covered the mantel with “No Work Zone” tape (yellow and black matching the Steelers colors!), and hung cardboard cut-out tools and mustaches in front of the fireplace. The signs reading “manly”, “masculine”, “macho”, and “studly” were added to cover some decorative floral work above the fireplace.

The construction site cut-out would be used for photo ops like this:

Here are all of the photos on the wall covered with man-related words. This idea also came from my husband who use 80s words and phrases to decorate for my 30th birthday party. I created the signs in Word using their clipart, printed them on yellow paper that I’ve had for years, and hung them using black and yellow Duck tape.

Here are the door ways clad with “work zone” tape that reads “No Work Zone” and “Warning: 30th Birthday Party in Progress”. My man is such a hard worker it was nice for him to have a “no work zone” for a day (But only for a day…then it’s back to work, buddy!).

On the dessert table we have a pig cake, of course! I wanted to make a “Ham and Man” cake and put the pigs head on a man’s body, but my mom said that sounded creepy. Also, I don’t know how to do that. This is only the second cake that I’ve ever decorated, so yeah. My mom made the extra pink cake just in case there wasn’t enough pig cake to go around. Mom made piggy chocolates from a mold and put those on and around the cake. Sprinkled around the cake is “30” confetti. I placed plastic tools on the dessert table (A package of 3-4 from The Dollar Tree), lollipops that read “30 sucks”, and some gross-out candy (gummy ear wax, and vomit), because boys are gross. Needless to say nobody, even the gross boys, would even try the candy.

I used a piece of foam poster board on the wall and added yellow paper and used electrical tape and black duck tape to form the letters “Ham Man” and added some printed “Ham vs. Man” signs above it. There are more “manly” signs on either side with “manly” words on them. I also had white and black balloons, pink piggy balloons, and yellow balloons with dump trucks on them.

Instead of traditional cone party hats I got the guys some yellow (Steelers!) plastic construction hats (manly!) and put pig snouts (ham-y!) around them! The snouts could be removed and worn separately.

We actually didn’t have a table for the fellas to sit at (and they were just going to sit in front of the tv anyway), so I set the place settings on the coffee table in the living room and they could pick them up as they came in. Each setting included a Steelers paper plate, a yellow fork, and a black napkin, tucked inside of a nail belt.

The nail belts are my favorite thing about the whole party 🙂 …The Ham Depot! Get it?! Of course you do…but I’m going to explain it anyway. So “Home Depot” is a hardware store and tools are all manly and stuff, and since it was a “Ham and Man” party I changed the word “home” to “ham” as a play on words.
You know that you think I’m brilliant. Or really weird.
You’d be right on both counts 😉 Moving on…

I got the nail belts at Home Depot for about .80 a piece. I took an orange Sharpie marker and colored in the “E”. Then I colored in the bottom and the rounded sides of the “O”. I then took a small sliver of masking tape to make the dash in the A and also needed a small piece to close the top of the A because the “O” was open on the top and bottom like this ( ) (sorta). And there you have it…Ham Depot belts!

This is the family room where they watched the game. For the most part I didn’t decorate in there because there just wasn’t enough time or space to bother with it.

I got a cardboard football toss game online (note that one of the players is wearing gold and black!) and pink pig footballs. I figured this is another way that the “Ham and Man” party theme seems to flow since football is often referred to and made out of “pigskin”.

I put gold and black balloons on either side of the tv. The helium started giving out on the balloons before the party even started.
(They were Pirates balloons…go figure!)

I covered the wedding photo of me with baseball pics of Cool Daddy in Junior High and High School. I also taped a large goal post to the wall.

The red toolbox (one that we already had) was left opened and had “toys” in there for the fellas. The pig footballs, extra mustaches (that I used on the mantal), yellow water guns, policemen action figures, “flying” pigs, and a goal post headband that you put on and throw a Velcro football at. The guys actually used the Velcro game some, played the football toss game (it almost always fell over), and had fun hurting one another with the flying pigs. It’s just not fun unless it’s dangerous.

When it was time for cake, I put all of the candles on. There were 30 candles on the cake, one of them was a football candle, and 5 of them were shaped like little tools! 30 candles sure can blaze up a tiny cake so we quickly sang Happy Birthday so that Cool Daddy could blow them out.

30 Candles sure do make a lot of smoke!

This is the only “group” picture that I got and it’s not even everyone 😦
Naturally I would’ve loved to have gotten a photo of all the guys in their hats, snouts, and belts, but we just never got the chance, plus…yeah, they were NOT going to do that anyway.

Here’s the Birthday Boy posing with his birthday signs!

Lastly, what does every manly pig of a man want?
…a 50s-syle housewife waiting on him hand and foot!

I stuck around the party serving my man and wearing a referee vest and “Ham Depot” belt as my apron.

I was very tempted to do the whole party in pink. The irony of the Ham and Man pairing is that pigs are pink and I thought about going with a whole pink pig thing and only playing up on the “ham” side and sort of poking fun at the “man” side since it would actually all be pretty girly. My husband actually would’ve found the humor in it, but I decided against it and went with the Steelers colors instead (which worked perfectly with the construction colors).

My husband said that he really liked the theme of the party and he thought it was funny, even if his (stupid) friends didn’t get it.

Happy Birthday, Hubby! (4 months late)

To read more about Cool Daddy go here:
(Back off, ladies, he’s taken!)
*15 Reasons Why My Hubby is Awesome
*Colonel Mustard on a Rollercoaster With a Plastic Fork
*How I Met Cool Daddy: Part 1
*How I Met Cool Daddy: Part 2

Related Posts
*Totally Awesome 80s 30th Birthday Party
*Birthday Girl…2 years old: Photos of Adaline at her birthday party
*Ladybug Picnic: 2nd Birthday

*Pink and Green Polka Dots and Cupcakes Party: 1st Birthday

*Celebrating 30 years in 30 days! All of my birthdays from 1980-2009

*DIY No Sew Party Hat Tutorial

*Ribbon Topiary Video Tutorial (Centerpiece)

*Tissue Number Birthday Sign (Mini-Tutorial)


*Birthday Traditions: Personalized Birthday CD
*Birthday Traditions: Knife and Cake Server
*Birthday Traditions: Professional Photos
*Birthday Traditions: Photo Puzzle
*Happy 2nd Birthday, Adaline!

+Birthday posts will be published all throughout September 2011 including tutorials, party decor ideas, and birthday traditions!

Lilypie Maternity tickers
Coolest Family on the Block is committed to helping you find creative ways to have fun and make memories with your family all year-long. Don’t miss an idea, tip, or trick…subscribe and have updates sent directly to your email!

Posted on February 11, 2011, in Birthdays, Parties and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 20 Comments.

  1. Great party! You did a fantastic job with the entire theme and all of the decorations!!! It looks wonderful!


    • Thanks, Kimberly!
      I think I worked a little too hard on it considering the guys didn’t seem to care about my awesome thing, but Hubby appreciated it, so it’s all good 🙂


  2. Hilarious post! I have to admit that one of the most hilarious things was the disclaimer to vegetarians coming to your site. LOL! Maybe that shouldn’t be so funny to me but it is.

    And I agree that the ham and man cake sounded creepy but would have been funny to see.

    When you party, you go all out, girl! Sounds like fun.


    • Thanks, Beth 🙂
      I found the disclaimer amusing as well 🙂 But I also felt it was necessary considering that all of my bios from my Twitter & FB to my About Me page all have my elevator pitch in it that states “trying to go green, organic, and vegetarian”…I didn’t want to lure in some vegetarians and then surprise them with cooked animal parts 😉

      Maybe in a few years and after more practice I’ll be able to make the creepy pig-man cake 😉

      Thanks so much! I LOVE me a good theme! I went crazy for my daughter’s first birthday party. It’s one of my first posts ever and remains #1 on my blog with over 2000 hits! I sure have a lot to live up to this year!


  3. You are a good wife! That must have taken ages. I’m glad he appreciated it. Then you took ages writing about it for posterity! Great job. Just one question…did you paint the walls too?


  4. HI
    I am a new follower from the weekend blog hop.
    I blog at http://www.tammileetips.com
    I hope you will stop by and visit.


  5. You did a fantastic job! I pity the wives of all the other guys. Those guys will go home and compare their next birthday to your husband’s. How will any of their wives measure up?! 🙂


    • The guys didn’t seem too impressed. They thought it was kinda weird. But my hubby liked it, so that’s what mattered. There was one guy there, though, who’s wife had made him an awesome LOST cake for his birthday. We saw the pics on Facebook and thought it was pretty sweet 🙂


  6. Wow! This must’ve taken forever to decorate and plan! Nice work- I love the pig snouts- and I love that some of the guys in the picture are wearing theirs.


    • It took me about two days to decorate and a few months to plan.
      I was pretty physched when I saw the pig snouts on Amazon. I was surprised any of the guys put them on. Most of them would not 😦
      Thanks for your comment!


  7. Wow!!!!! You did THE BEST JOB EVER decorating for this party!

    I’m a new follower from the weekend hop, just saying hi. I’d love a visit back at http://momalwaysfindsout.com


  8. I realize I was not a man invited to the party, but since Matt was, I got his Ham depot apron and use it when I need extra hands in the kitchen, LOVE IT!!! Also, I can’t remember you mentioning the pink football pigs, (cute) something Matt is planning on giving to Dominic once he is no longer sticking everything in his mouth.


    • Haha, I’m glad that you use your Ham Depot apron, that thing is kinda handy (although I wouldn’t know since I avoid all manner of housework like the plague). I did mention the pig footballs, yeah, you definitely don’t want those things in his mouth…ew. But they’re pretty cute. I still have all of the rest of them. Maybe we’ll throw a barnyard party for the kids sometime and we can use the rest of them.


  9. What a great job you did? I love the Ham Depot!!! And your vegetarian disclaimer in the beginning was so funny! I’ve been wanting to comment on many of your other posts, but have been reading them on my phone, which is not really conducive to commenting. With autocorrect, I’d enter “thing” and “thong” would pop up. Not great. 😉


    • Haha…there’s just not enough thong comments on my blog as it is, so all of your comments are welcome 😉
      Thank you! The Ham Depot was definitely my favorite part. Poor vegetarians. At least they didn’t have to pose for a picture holding a giant platter of ham like I did!


  10. Looks like an awesome part! Your disclaimer totally cracked me up! Too funny!

    I turn 30 this year, too. Kind of freaking out about it. Astrodad, on the other hand, didn’t miss a beat when he turned 30 two years ago. Must be a man thing!


    • We must be sure to warn the poor innocent vegetarians. I don’t want them to think I’m crazy. “This chick says she wants to be a vegetarian and then she threw a party in the honor of “ham” and displayed photos of animal flesh!” Then again, I’m nothing if not a walking (and writing) contradiction 😉

      Eh, 30 didn’t bother me. No age does so much. They say it’s more how you feel, but I’ve felt 30 since I was about 6 😉 Now I feel like I’m 50 or something (hee-hee).


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