Wordless Wednesday: Little Leprechaun

Here are photos of Adaline on St. Patrick’s Day last year (2010).

We had to go grocery shopping and there were people in the store taking pictures of her with their cell phone and saying how cute she was 🙂
(We got the adorable hat at Babies R Us in 2010.)

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Posted on March 16, 2011, in St. Patrick's Day and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Cutest. Baby. Ever. !!!


  2. first of all, what a total cutie pie. secondly, can you believe how much she’s changed in just 1 year? amazing how fast they grow. thanks for sharing these adorable photos!


    • Thanks, Beth!
      No, I can’t believe it. It seems like I just had her first birthday party and now we’re swiftly approaching her second. She’s such a grown up little lady now…they really do grow up so fast!


  3. awwwww. She is so cute, and how cute are you to dress her up. Adorable!


    • Thanks, Jessa!
      I wasn’t planning on it, but when I saw that leprechaun hat I knew that I had to buy it! I got my money’s worth considering all of the strangers that stopped and took her picture, people must’ve liked it 🙂


  4. She is one of the cutest little leprechauns I’ve ever seen. Love it!


  5. Oh my goodness, she is too too cute! Thanks for linking up to the Wordless Wednesday hop. I really like your blog so I’m subscribing to keep up with your posts. 🙂


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