St. Patrick’s Day Traditions: Leprechaun Footprints

Coolest Family on the Block

In 2011 we had a leprechaun visit our house for the first time. We woke up to find that he had left green leprechaun footprints all over our kitchen and laundry room, he’d turned the toilet water green, and made our milk turn green in the glass! The following year on St. Patrick’s Day I had a one month old baby and I’d ask Santa Claus (head of all legendary figures) to please keep the leprechauns away. Last year the leprechaun was back to his old tricks again!

Leprechaun footprints

The leprechaun entered magically through the back door and then made his way into the laundry room where he hopped from the floor, to the washer, to the dryer, to the toilet, to the floor again, to the sink, and back out into the kitchen. Did you know that leprechauns hop? Well, they do. In fact they can jump really high straight up into the air making it easier for them to get into mischief.

While hopping around the laundry room the leprechaun left his green footprints everywhere…including the toilet seat…and grabbed onto the toilet paper to tp the house!
Leprechaun footprints

The leprechaun had unrolled the toilet paper all over the kitchen!
Leprechaun footprints

When he left the laundry room the leprechaun hopped onto the highchair and over to the table where he must’ve dropped some gold coins out of his pockets while running in circles. Next he hopped down to the floor and onto the wall!
Leprechaun footprints

The leprechaun’s next stop was the playroom.

Leprechaun footprints

We have tables lined up along the walls where the kids can sit and read books, build with blocks, or play with play sets. The leprechaun ran across the play tables to the art table.
Leprechaun footprints

The leprechaun unraveled paper onto the floor and scribbled a picture.
Leprechaun footprints

Next the leprechaun slid down the roll of paper and hopped onto a table in the middle of the room before going back to the kitchen where he left through the back door.
Leprechaun footprints

The kids were excited to see that the leprechaun had visited, especially since he had dropped some chocolate coins. Jon didn’t even bother to take off the wrapper before shoving them in his mouth! 😉
Leprechaun footprints

When the leprechaun visited 2 years ago I was stuck cleaning up the mess. The good thing about a 3.5 year old is that they think cleaning leprechaun footprints is fun, so I gladly let Adaline do all of the scrubbing 🙂 It wipes up as easy as Crayola washable fingerpaint! 😉
Leprechaun footprints

(**Click the image below or watch the video for details on how to make leprechaun footprints!**)
How to make leprechaun footprints: video tutorial

You can see the mess that the leprechaun made in 2011 and all of the mischief he got into by clicking the photo below.
2011-03-17 Leprechaun Trickery 00txt

Has a Leprechaun ever visited your house?
Let me know in the comments!

cfotb leprechaun stpd btn 02
Free St Patricks Day PrintablesApril Fools Pranks to play on your kids


Posted on February 12, 2014, in Footprints, Holidays, Legendary Figures, Leprechauns, St. Patrick's Day, Traditions and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 32 Comments.

  1. Cool! We’ve never had a leprechaun visit us in the past but it sounds like a fun experience for the kiddos! But the cleaning afterwards doesn’t sound so enticing LOL Will you be doing the same thing this year? I mean do you think the leprechaun will visit again? 🙂


  2. everafterinthewoods

    Awesome idea! Those leprechauns sure can be tricky!


  3. jellibeanjournals

    This looks like it would be so fun, Jenn. We don’t really do anything at all for St. Patty’s day, but I know my kids would think this was a blast!


  4. This is such an awesome idea! I will definitely be doing this for my kiddos this year.


  5. This makes me wish my kids were still young enough to believe in this stuff. 😦 Great idea!!


  6. Cute…glad your daughter helped clean up! #SITs


  7. Wow that looks like a lot of fun…and a bet of a mess to clean up too! It’s always great to get into the holiday spirit.


  8. What a great idea for the kids. This reminds me of when I was in kindergarten, my class and I thought we had found leprechauns footprints and followed them around. The ironic thing is that it wasn’t something the teacher had done, we were just following little pieces of dirt around the windowsills and our imaginations filled in the rest! Oh to be a kid again.


  9. Such a fun idea. My boys would love this…stopping by from SITS. 🙂


  10. This is so much better than that stupid freaking elf! I should do this to mess with my teenagers!

    Stopping in from SITS, and I added you to my reader!


  11. That is so fun! I think I’d go crazy having those foot prints all over the place, but how awesome for your kids!!! Seems like you know how to make St. Patrick’s Day fun! 🙂


  12. What a cool idea! My 4 year old would love this!

    Stopping by from SITS!


  13. So cute!

    We set up a Leprechaun trap every year. He always gets away! He does, however, tend to drop goodies out of his pockets!


  14. I cannot wait to have kids so I can do this exact same thing. What a neat idea!


  15. What a cute idea. I smile all the way as I read this blog.#SITS


  16. This is so adorable! Love that you got the kids to do the cleaning! Dropping by from SITS 🙂


  17. Well this looks like one clever way to get the kids to clean 😉 My kiddos are bit too old for this but it looks like a fun time.

    Stopping by from the SITS Challenge


  18. You totally inspired me! I might not be able to be this crafty, but now have to plan something for my kids! This is great! Thanks for sharing! #SITSblogging


  19. Cute, I love this idea, super cute! #SITSblogging


  20. We live in N Ireland – and I never knew about all these St Patricks Day leprechaun traditions before I started reading US blogs! Fun to see how others celebrate.

    Dropping by from SITS


  21. Boy, that leprechaun left a mess! Our leprechaun isn’t nearly as creative. We may have to show him your blog! 🙂


  22. This looks like so much fun! My daughter would totally love this! I love that the leprechaun walked all over your house. You have a really cool playroom.


  23. That looks like so much fun! My husband would never go for this, but I would totally do it! Our boys would be thrilled! We don’t celebrate St. Patty’s day, but I could do it for Easter. Thanks for sharing!


  24. WOW! This is super cute. I may just try this this year! Stopping by from SITS If you get a chance, I’d love to see this on my linkup:


  25. mommylifeafterphd

    Oh my word, you are a motivated woman! Love this, but I really love your play room. Getting ready to redecorate ours. Any ideas for me? #SITSblogging


  26. I used to do this in my preschool classroom. I told the kids that if they napped really well, then a Leprechaun might visit. We spent the morning building a trap and sure enough after nap time the kids discovered the trap had been tripped!! We didn’t catch the Leprechaun, but he did leave behind some gold coins! I don’t do it at home because I have enough messes without making new ones! 🙂


  27. Those footprints are really cute. I bet this would be super fun to do with kids. Thanks for sharing!


  1. Pingback: Easter Traditions: Bunny Footprints (2011) | Coolest Family on the Block

  2. Pingback: How to Make Leprechaun Footprints: Video Tutorial | Coolest Family on the Block

  3. Pingback: 10 Fun St. Patrick's Day Ideas for Kids!

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