My letter to Santa 1984

*Writing a letter to Santa to mail or email can be a memorable family tradition using my tips and ideas for making the experience special. The “Dear Santa” series will tell you everything you need to know about writing to Santa. Please subscribe to receive email updates.*

In 1984 I wrote a letter to Santa when Cabbage Patch dolls were the must-have toy of the year. While looking through some of my memorabilia I found a typed story that my paternal grandmother had written about my letter to Santa that year. Here is the story in my grandmother’s words:


I am a grandmother with three grown children and three grandchildren. I am also a serious Precious Moments collector. And although my kids think Mom has gone bananas, I have over one hundred Precious Moments to help me relive those very special precious moments that are but a memory when our children grow and leave home. To add more fuel to the fire of their minds that told them Mom is stepping off the deep end, I announced to everyone that I wanted to adopt my own Preemie: Not one that belonged to my granddaughters, but one of my very own.

As an avid Precious Moments collector, I have become accustomed to looking for those hard to find-just have to have figurines. And so…my search began. Sear’s, Penny’s, and Montgomery Wards were all among my list of places to call in my unrelenting search for my very own Preemie; but my pleas fell on deaf ears. They wouldn’t even take my order! I followed every lead, every hint of a lead, only to be disappointed time and time again.

Disappointed, but not yet defeated, I continued my search. My desire to adopt my very own Preemie prompted me to call my two daughters, who live in Florida, to have them place orders there. They did so, but again, no promises. No closer to my goal, the summer ended.

The holidays were upon us. In November our local newspaper was printing letters from children to Santa Claus. My two granddaughters, Jenny, five, and Jessie, four, insisted that I help them write their letter to Santa. Now, the newspaper, having been flooded with letters from anxious children said they had all the letters they could print for the remaining days until Christmas. I explained this to the girls, but they, like their grandma, were persistent. I, being a grandma who loves and spoils her grandchildren, gave in. I sat with pen and paper in hand and they began telling me what to write, …”We would like Cabbage Patch dolls, and please bring Grandma a Preemie too”. There, it was done! The girls, however, wanted to go one step further, “Mail it in Grandma. Please!” were now the words I was hearing. Even though I was sure that the letter would not get into the paper, how could I resist those four, big, beautiful, pleading eyes looking up at me? Well, I couldn’t (a weakness I’m sure all grandmas are familiar with); to make them happy, I mailed it in.

Good news for grandmas all over the world. Somehow it worked! One week later as I was reading the newspaper, there among all of the letters to Santa, in bold type, the caption, BRING GRANDMA A PREEMIE TOO, caught my eye. They printed it! I immediately called the girls to tell them the good news. They came over and needless to say, they were very excited, and quite impressed to see their names in the paper. Of course, I was excited for them, and naturally, I received many comments from friends who also read the letter. Maybe I should have written my own letter to Santa? Oh, well…

Christmas was almost here and even though my search for my Preemie had still not seen it’s end, my oldest granddaughter, Jenny, kept telling me not to worry because she prayed and knew that I was going to get my Preemie. The faith of a child! It worked with their letter and considering I was getting no where fast with all my efforts, maybe…

Christmas came and with it, courtesy of my youngest daughter in Florida, came two Cabbage Patch dolls for my two very special granddaughters! Me? Well, thanks to my oldest daughter, on December 25, 1984, my beautiful (?), little Preemie, Jenny Lynn was born, and I couldn’t be happier. Of course, I still love my Precious Moments.

The adoption papers for my Cabbage Patch Kid

Dear Santa Series:
*Dear Santa: Part 1 Writing a Letter to Santa
*Dear Santa: Part 2 Mailing a Letter to Santa
*Dear Santa: Part 3 Paper for Writing to Santa: Free printables and more!
*Dear Santa: Part 4 Emailing a Letter to Santa
*My Letter to Santa 1984 You are here
Other Christmas Posts
*10 Ways to Shake Up Your Christmas Pajamas Tradition
*Phone Calls from Santa
*Uncle Ugly’s Christmas Sweater Jamboree Rules
*Uncle Ugly’s Christmas Sweater Jamboree 2010 Photos and Winners
*Traditions, Truces, and Cartoon Moments
*Food as Tradition: Norwegian Butter Cookies

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Posted on December 1, 2010, in Christmas, Dear Santa, Flashbacks, Traditions and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 20 Comments.

  1. Writing to Santa is so magical and it’s easy to think that anything is possible when you believe, truly believe. What a dynamic Grandma who was courageous in sharing her wishes and hopes for a soon-to-be treasured doll with her precious granddaughters and helping them write and submit their letters. Thanks for sharing this heartwarming story that is such a testament of faith.

    Wishing you the happiest of holidays.


  2. I still use my Cabbage Patch Kids for Touch of Home Learning, In-School Events. I was getting ready for our Crime Scene class (the dolls are the suspects of a crime) and my dad was here. He told me about how I wanted a Cabbage Patch kid so bad when I was younger. They found one that looked just like me and was going to get it for me. There was one last one on a shelf (other than the one my dad had), this little girl was looking at it about to ask her mom and dad to get it. Some adult snatched it off the shelf and she just started to cry. Now my parents don’t know what the parents were going to do. Get it for her or say, no Santa might bring you one. They had no clue. But the one that looked like me was given to this other family so another little girls Christmas would not be ruined. I still ended up with one so everyone was happy.

    I love your site and I am following from Blog Frog. I would love it if you stop by sometime and follow back if you like what you see. (mostly handmade gifts from now until Christmas)


    • Sara, I LOVE your story! Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could find out whatever happened with that doll?! I bet that little girl was truly blessed 🙂 I’ll stop by your blog soon and I appreciate you following. Things have been a little crazy around here lately and I’m sooo behind!


  3. I love it! This is so sweet! I had cabbage patch twins one year. 🙂


  4. Cabbage Patch Kids were so fun! I had 2 ‘real’ ones from the store and several hand made ones by my grandma. I think I got a corn silk doll (with the hair you could brush vs. yarn) for Christmas one year. 🙂


  5. Hey there! I just wanted to stop by to thank you for your awesome comment on Sofia’s Ideas! I replied to you so I hope that when you get a moment, you’ll come on back…


  6. Does Grandma still have her preemie? You looked so happy on Christmas day! You must have totally wound down later when you were dangling your doll in the air by her ponytail. A Christmas morning ‘explosion of gifts’ will do that to you!


    • Grandma does indeed still have her preemie and I believe it’s still in the box too! We actually received the dolls on Christmas Eve at my Grandma’s house and the other photo is on Christmas morning after we woke up. Poor dolly, I’m so not a morning person 😉


  7. Hi Jenn! I gave you a blog award. =D Check it out and pass it on =)


    • Viviene, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I truly appreciate it. As you can probably see I’ve been totally out of it lately and really busy this month…when things calm down around here I’ll officially accept my award and pass it on to some awesome bloggers. Thanks so much for your support, I always enjoy your blog 🙂


  8. I love this story!!!


    • Thanks, Retha 🙂
      It’s funny I’d almost forgotten about this until I came across my grandma’s typed story and then it all came back to me! I can still see that preemie in the box inside her closet in my mind’s eye! Sure wish I had a picture of it!


  9. AWw I love this story and the photos too! I’d have loved to see a photo of your grandma with the preemie! I have to say I never got one. I was 12 when the big craze hit and I don’t know if I just thought I was too big for a doll at that age or what or they were just too hard to get in Canada. Now we walk by them in the store and say… do you remember when…. *L*

    Merry Christmas!


    • Thanks, zeemaid! I sooo wish that I had a picture of Grandma with her preemie! She still has it, I think, so if I ever go and visit her in Florida again I’ll have to ask her to pose for a photo with Jenny Lynn!

      Yeah, I didn’t have many new dolls at 12. As you can see they were near impossible to get here in the U.S. in ’84, so I’m not sure how difficult it would’ve been to get one in Canada! If I still had my cabbage patch kid, I’d share her with you…but she disappeared over the years, like many of my toys. I wish I still had her…they went through so much trouble to get her!


  10. What a cute story! Your Grandma was a good writer like you. I have no idea what a Preemie is but that didn’t matter. I understood and enjoyed the sentiment.


  11. That is so so sweet. I remember Cabbage Patch kids being all the rage, but I was in Middle/High School by that time. So I was surely too cool for that!:)


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