Happy 2nd Birthday Adaline!

Today my beautiful baby girl is turning 2 years old! I can’t believe how grown up she is and how quickly time goes by. I’m so proud of her 🙂

We have some plans for today, but we’ll see how that goes.
Things didn’t exactly go as planned last year…

I wanted to get a photo of Adaline in this chair each year on her birthday so that we can watch her grow. She wasn’t entirely cooperative 😉 These are the best photos in the bunch!

I also wanted to get a picture of Adaline standing in front of her daddy and I each year. You can see how that went…

I wanted to take a photo of Adaline exactly at her birth minute, but (because hubby had been called into work all week when he was supposed to be off) we were behind on party planning and had to go out to the store in the evening. She spent her birth minute in the car eating puffs.

And it wasn’t until after I took the photo that I noticed the time was off on the camera so it actually says the photo was taken an hour earlier!

I wanted to measure Adaline’s height on her birthday. The actual measuring went fine, but notice the date. Because we were busy we didn’t get around to measuring her until a month after her birthday.

Another thing we didn’t have time for until a month later was to do her keepsake handprint.

We attempted this in September, but I waited too long to stick her hand in the mixture and it had dried up already. I then had to break it all apart and mix in more water, but it still had chunks and lumps. This is the lovely final product.

We bought this awesome birthday candle (you burn it down every year until they turn 21!) and forgot to burn it. We went ahead and lit it that fateful day in September while we were measuring and messing up the handprint. We never got very far so this year will have to burn it twice as long.

I also wanted to get a photo of Adaline next to her candle (when it wasn’t lit) each year so you can watch her grow as the candle gets smaller. We never got around to that 😦

So, last year I had me some big plans for establishing some birthday traditions and things didn’t go exactly as I hoped. This year I’m going to try to get the handprint and measuring done this week and I’m going to try not to mess up the handprint 😉 I don’t have too many big hopes for the photos just yet as she still isn’t too keen on sitting still for pictures. Wish me luck!

Balloon Wreath Tutorial and Links Post
Ladybug Picnic Centerpiece Tutorial
Free Ladybug and Bug Fonts Links Post
Ladybug Picnic Products List
(I’ll be creating a separate post that contains all of the info and links for the supplies from this party. In the meantime if you want to know where I got something just ask in the comments.)

Related Posts
*DIY No Sew Party Hat Tutorial

*Ribbon Topiary Video Tutorial (Centerpiece)

*Tissue Number Birthday Sign (Mini-Tutorial)

*Birthday Girl…2 years old: Photos of Adaline at her birthday party
*Ladybug Picnic: 2nd Birthday

*Pink and Green Polka Dots and Cupcakes Party: 1st Birthday

*Ham and Man Party: 30th Birthday

*Celebrating 30 years in 30 days! All of my birthdays from 1980-2009

*Birthday Traditions: Personalized Birthday CD
*Birthday Traditions: Knife and Cake Server
*Birthday Traditions: Professional Photos
*Birthday Traditions: Photo Puzzle
*Happy 2nd Birthday, Adaline!

+Birthday posts will be published all throughout September 2011 including tutorials, party decor ideas, and birthday traditions!

Lilypie Maternity tickers
Coolest Family on the Block is committed to helping you find creative ways to have fun and make memories with your family all year-long. Don’t miss an idea, tip, or trick…subscribe and have updates sent directly to your email!

Posted on August 4, 2011, in Birthday Traditions, Birthdays, Traditions and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Happy Birthday Adaline!! Hope you have a great day and get lots of memorable pictures! 😀


  2. Happy Birthday Adaline! You be nice to your momma and let her take your picture! 😉 Hope you all have a wonderful day. And the memories will be there no matter what you do.


  3. DAYYYNNNGGGG woman! How amazing are you? I feel like a bad mama seeing how overachieving you are. You talked about things you tried to do or didn’t quite get done and it didn’t even occur to me to do about 99.9% of any of those. Goodness Adaline is a very lucky girl! And, happy birthday you sweet cutie.


  4. Randomly found your blog,and I am thinking you ‘are’ one of the coolest families on the block. But I want to ask you a favor. Please throw out the birthdY candle… or at least have open talks with your daughter.
    I grew up with a very similar candle in my closet, and somehow thought it was how life was supposed to be. I hit all the milestones on that candle, right up until that wedding ring at 21.

    I was divorce less than 2 years later, a single mom with a 6 month old baby. Now don’t get me wrong… That baby girl is 23 now, and I don’t regret it for one second. I love my life… remarried with 6 (yes 6!) more kids, but I do look back and realized I was just doing what I thought should be done each year.

    I have consciously raised my own kids (especially the girls!) to follow their own path!
    You guys seem like an amazing family… just wanted to share my experience!


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