Okay, I’m ready to talk about it

A year ago today I lost something very special to me. I lost LOST. For those of you not in the “know”, LOST was a 1 hour drama on ABC from 2004-2010 about a group of people stranded on a mysterious island.
(*Spoilers contained in the link*)

I’m not a person that gets super into tv. We don’t even have real cable anymore. I first saw LOST during the second airing of the first episode. I was flipping and didn’t see anything on. I came across LOST, which I had seen previews for. The previews didn’t really tell you anything about the show and I thought, “That’s probably going to be a really stupid show.”, but I knew that Dominic Monaghan was in it and being a huge Lord of the Rings fan I figured I’d watch it.
And I was hooked.

For me it became one of those “never miss” shows. I recorded episodes while I watched them (with a VCR because I’m all fancy like that. I know you DVR people are jealous.). I never missed an episode. I would remind everyone that I knew, “Don’t call me while LOST is on.” My husband, who was equally interested in the show, would sometimes forget while he was working and call me only to hear me answer, “LOST is on, this better be an emergency!” I visited LOST related websites and followed forums (though I never posted). I was all about LOST. The fact that a year later I still remember the exact date that the finale aired proves that I was more than a tad involved.

Part of the appeal of LOST was that it was a mystery show. There were many storylines and while one episode may reveal an answer it would also raise three more questions. It was one of the best and most frustrating aspects of the show. Many people had theories and ideas and others, like me, didn’t try to figure it out and just went along for the ride. If you’ve never seen LOST it’s near impossible to explain to you what it was about. If you’re a person that gets easily confused and can’t pay close attention to characters or multiple storylines you would be completely LOST. And many were…yet they watched it anyway. I personally never had any trouble keeping up with the plot and I loved every minute of it.
Well, every minute up to the last season.

While I wasn’t a LOST theorist I was still very interested in getting answers. It’s part of the reason why I never theorized to begin with. I wanted to see where the writer’s were going with it. I couldn’t wait to see what they had created and how it all came together. But guess what. They didn’t tell us. No answers. They just left us hanging. Sure they answered some questions…but not all of them. The final season itself raised more questions than ever before! Up until the last episode I was still holding on to the hope that they would tie it all together in a pretty little bow and I would be amazed at their brilliance and at the same time go, “Oh my, yes…that makes so much sense.” But no, it did not happen.

I’m sad that my show ended. I do miss it. But it’s more than just missing a show that I enjoyed. For me I feel like the show was cancelled in the middle before having a chance to work out the plot…but it wasn’t cancelled. They ended it like that on purpose. I felt a little cheated to be honest. It’s not about the finale (even though it’s definitely one of those love it or hate it kind)…it’s about how they ended the series as a whole. If they had more episodes that answered questions and explained what was going on I would’ve been fine with the finale. It’s like someone ripped out the last chapter of a book and I can’t find a whole book anywhere, all that’s left is a bunch of people theorizing how it really ended.
Not cool, dude, not cool.
This blog explained it really well here.
(*Spoilers contained in the links*)

Don't let the smiles fool you, I was dying inside 😦

Am I little jaded? Maybe. (Okay, yes, definitely.) On one hand I still love the series and I’ll still call it my favorite show. But I haven’t gone back. Since the finale I haven’t re-watched any of DVDs of previous episodes, or read any forums, I didn’t even bother to buy the last season on DVD. It only reminds me that I’ll never know and I think that really stinks. It’s been one year since the finale and I feel like you do a year after a break up. You think about all of the good times and how in love you were and how much fun you had and it makes you smile and then you think about how your heart was broken and it just makes you sad.
Yep, my heart was broken by a tv show.
Well, by a tv show and also by ice cream.

Have you ever been disappointed by a tv show?
Tell me in the comments!

If you’ve never seen LOST but you’re thinking about watching it now…please don’t let me stop you. In fact, I encourage you to watch it, it’s a great show. You’ll be going into it with the advantage of knowing that there will be some things that will never be explained. Maybe you’ll enjoy it more because of that.

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Posted on May 23, 2011, in Uncategorized and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Angela Alvarez Velez

    I TOTALLY AGREE. I felt like we needed at least another season. I loved that show and I also just went with it. Having been disappointed by JJ’s Alias finale, I was weary but I got hooked. I felt like the writers thought we weren’t paying attention and could get away with “forgetting” to explain stuff. After the last episode I felt like a child whose mother promised to explain something when they got home but never did.


    • I’d never watched Alias, so I didn’t have that little “warning”. Did J.J. write alias or just create? He wasn’t writing LOST, Damon and Carlton are to thank/blame for that.
      That’s how I felt too, Angela 😦


  2. That’s frustrating. I never really watched Lost. Mainly because I knew it was that kind of show and I prefer to watch something like that all in one shot after the series ends. Added benefit of knowing if it “ended wrong.” Of course the downside being possible spoilers. I too get irritated when shows end wrong. I’m still bitter over the Wonder Years . . .


    • Seriously, the Wonder Years…that was pretty messed up. Probably more realistic than we’d like to admit, but who watches tv for it to be realistic. Boo-hiss.

      I definitely support the idea of you starting out watching LOST now. It’s still totally awesome up until the end when you’re all like, “Wait, what? You’re seriously not going to tell us.” But still worth the ride 🙂

      I think…


  3. My husband and I were huge LOST fans too! We also told everyone not to call during that time. And really, it was one of the only things my husband and I had in common. LOL When it was over we were like, “Okay, now what are we gonna do together?”. I didn’t watch it from the beginning. I had lots of friends who did. I caught the first season, the second time around when they re-showed the entire first season that summer. And then, after that I got my husband hooked. I hated the ending. Especially since our TV station kept going out. We still haven’t watched the final episode without interruption, but I don’t think it would make a bit of difference. Oh Well!! Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog today!!
    Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life


  4. Angela Alvarez Velez

    Something has been bothering me and I think you might the only person in the webiverse that might understand, as it is Lost-related. See, it dawned on me that Jack did not have “a moment” with anyone. Christian explained everything to him, but he did not get the “AHA” thing that others got when they saw something or someone they loved. And that means that Jack never really loved anyone.
    And also, nobody got their Aha moment by seeing Jack. Not Kate or Juliet or Clarie…nobody.
    And that means that nobody loved Jack, or rather, that he never found the love of his life and he wasn’t the love of anyone’s life.
    And that made me sad.
    Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Anything to get me through this?


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