Jenn’s 8th Birthday Party 1987

(a.k.a. Happy Birthday to me!)

There aren’t any photos from my 8th birthday. After giving it some thought I figured out that this was around the age that my sister and I started having sleepovers for our birthdays. No party, no photos. We usually had the same two friends over and watched videos and slept on the sofa bed.

For our birthdays we got to choose what we wanted to eat. I can’t think of a time when we didn’t pick my mom’s homemade chicken fingers.

This was a favorite of ours and all of our friends as well. It was something easy to have at a sleepover (or any party) because it didn’t require any silverware. It didn’t even require a plate if you weren’t using dips and the kids were old enough not to make a mess. Speaking of dips, my mom makes an awesome honey-mustard dip…but often times we ate these au naturale. We would also have chips, pretzels, and other snacky things. Salt and Vinegar is my favorite chip flavor but at some point Tato Skins became a favorite birthday chip over all others. If we had pop (that’s what we call soda here in Western PA, people) I think we always chose Dr. Pepper. We would usually get some candy too (3 Musketeers was a favorite of mine).

We also got to choose our dessert. Since we weren’t having parties we stopped asking for fancy cakes. I would usually have cheesecake or some other dessert like Cherry Delight or Oreo Cookie Pie.

Here’s a list of some of our favorite movies that we watched at sleepovers:
The Last Unicorn
The Neverending Story

The Goonies

Below are photos from 1987, the year that I turned 8.

If you think that my sister’s hair bow is cruel and unusual punishment, wait until tomorrow when you see my hairdo! Clearly our mother wished to expose us both to bad 80s fashion equally.

I’m sure that you are very disappointed at the lack of birthday photos on this page. To cheer up, check out this little gem right here. You are welcome.

You might be interested in checking out my daughter, Adaline’s, first birthday party
You can take a look at my 1st-7th Birthdays by following the links on this page.
Be sure to check back tomorrow.

Posted on September 8, 2010, in Birthdays, Parties and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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